Version History

Version Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


3.2.49 06/09/2002 - Fixed bug in 'Train' function which prevented it from starting.
3.2.48 04/18/2002 - Allows import of verses from text files. Description.
- Optionally view topic name on main screen (see File / Preferences)
- Misc. updates to help files.
3.2.47 03/22/2002 -Various changes to allow system to function properly at screen resolutions higher than 800 x 600
-Made change to system which allows verses to be pasted in through the system clipboard.
3.2.46 03/13/2002 -Fixed several bugs in Membar program..
-Various small changes/fixes
3.2.45 02/25/2002 -Small change to 'train' function.
3.2.44 02/23/2002 -Added feedback form to main menu
-Fixed 'How to Study the Bible' essay so it does not call up the Internet.
3.2.43 02/02/2002 -Bug fix - System allowed the creation of a blank verse card file which locked out user.
-Fixed the 'train' function so it works a lot smoother.
-Various cosmetic fixes.
3.2.42 01/14/2002 -Minor Bug fix -"object required" error when generating a quiz.
3.2.41 01/08/2002 -Minor Bug fix - "out of memory" error after adding new verse.
3.2.40 01/06/2002 -Minor Bug fixes.
3.2.39 12/30/2001 -Initial Release to public

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